Camps: Fact or Fiction?


Recently, I posted an article on various web sites dealing with the advent of Concentration or Internment Camps springing up all over America. Many have read this article, passed it around, and discussed it with your correspondent and among friends and family. A very few have gone on and visited some of these sites for themselves. As well, some have just outright called me insane, a liar, and other names too foul to mention. Some have thanked me for the research and have committed to joining the search for the truth, no matter where it may lead.

Since the release of the article, I have received a few invitations to speak to groups about my experiences and even to go on a few radio shows, which I've done. Some have asked me on only because they want to discredit my research and are waiting for their own people to come back with some info that will explain away my findings. They are HOPING to find any miter of evidence that they can use to, again, discredit this research. As before, I must take such things and give them all the due possible on a point by point basis.

Still, there is silence from the media and our government about the creation and staffing of these camps. Why? Even if to deny the claims, why can't our elected officials meet with me and others from the press at these sites and explain their purpose to us, so we can all go back to sleep and watch more TV? Why not open the gates and let us inspect these places? If they have nothing to hide, then where's the problem?

I have received hundreds of letters in the last few weeks, with many containing new evidence of camps and other things that make our case even stronger. The naysayers don't seem to have any proof, except a foul mouth and opinion of those men and women who are looking for the truth. This was to be as expected. Some, I believe, are working for the agency and have been working night and day to ruin my name. Others are simply the haters and denial people. Not liking what they hear, they simply won't see what any normal person can see with an open mind and open heart.

Here are some answers to many new questions raised by these folks.

  1. Yes. We do have photographs. A lot of them. Yes we will publish them. As I write we are collating the best photos and getting ready to get them up on the Internet, complete with address and map coordinates. These photos will be up at many sites. I will post the list of sites who will carry these photos at my own site, which is at
  2. Yes. We do receive help from many people in the Army and National Guard, who have given us location tips regarding these camps.
  3. The holding camps - which are by nature, simply fences enclosing an open area - have little in the way of facilities. These were areas already in existence (reservoirs) which have recently been modified with new barbed wire and concertina with the tops POINTING IN. These camps are lock stock-pens for cattle. Have you ever seen the stockyards? They are really just temp areas for holding cattle. The holding camps are scattered everywhere, in all major cities, and our intelligence sources confirm that these are going to be used as some sort of interim roundup places where those gathered can be place until these souls can be shipped off to somewhere else. Don't expect much in the way of guard towers and the like as they were never meant to be more than what they are.
  4. For every major full-service camp, there are probably twenty holding camps. Makes sense, doesn't it?
  5. No, I do not believe these camps are for aliens. They are designed for human beings.
  6. No. I have not seen UFOs around these camps.
  7. Hundreds of officers from the Air Force and Army are leaving the service and resigning their commissions because they believe something is about to happen that they don't want to be a part of. In October of 1998, I met with a Lt. Colonel from the Air Force in Colorado who was buying, through privates sale, ammunition and weapons for his family, because in his words, "he wanted his family out of the city and in the country before summer of next year.[1999]" A friend of mine has a law practice with another lawyer in Colorado who helps officers with their discharges and in the last two years, they have seen a flood of men and women - all with horror stories mind you - who are throwing away their careers to avoid something you don't want to know about. These men and women have nearly the same story. The US Government is going to declare Martial Law and take over the country by force, with the military and the intelligence community running things. They intend to rid our country of some twenty to thirty million people. They have lists. They have plans. They have been practicing. They are coming.
  8. Yes, we have full location lists of camps from Florida to Alaska, but I've only seen those west of the Mississippi. Quite frankly, I just haven't the time to go and see them all.
  9. Do your own thinking. Research these camps for yourself. Take the time to look at the evidence, which is abundant. When the pictures are published, look them over well and decide for yourself. Only you can save you. I can't do it, nor will any group step forward to do it. In fact, if someone tried to, they no doubt would be prevented.
  10. The disinfo agents are redoubling their efforts, now that these reports are making their rounds. They don't look at the evidence, they simply slander and name call. That's fine. Sticks and stones…
  11. No, I do not believe the UFOs are behind this. It is our intelligence/money/military cabal that is behind these camps. They have an agenda for us that is simply…evil. I believe the UFO situation is a smokescreen to keep us looking the other way. I do not doubt the veracity of UFO sightings, only the source of such machines.
  12. Y2K? It might be the trigger for Martial Law, but our sources tell us the evil behind the camps isn't going to wait for that incident, though it is most convenient for them to have everything shutdown so they can get on with their plans.
  13. The FBI, DIA, and NSA has been compiling lists of gunowners, food stockpilers, religious persons, new agers, patriots, etc. Why? Are these the people destined for the camps? The answer is yes, and more. They are looking at anyone who is not going to jump on the N.W.O. bandwagon as someone to be dealt with. It's in their plans, the National Guard has been training for it, and notice how the commercials lately are all telling us how wonderful the National Guard is and how much we need these fellows.
  14. Yes, I do believe the media is a willing and cooperative accomplice with all that is coming. Know what conditioning is? Well it is what is happening to us now, via the media. This explains why no one in the media is investigating these reports.

I'll keep these commentaries going, every week, as long as someone is interested in freedom from slavery. Thank you for your time.